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How pricing plans evolved over time for a SaaS startup

How pricing plans evolved over time for a SaaS startup

We are in the process of finalizing pricing for my startup VWO, which is an…

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Paras Chopra

Paras Chopra

7 Min Read
A/B Test Statistical Significance Calculator [Free Excel]

A/B Test Statistical Significance Calculator [Free Excel]

The statistics of A/B testing results can be confusing unless you know the exact formulas.…

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Paras Chopra

Paras Chopra

6 Min Read
Introducing Browse Mode: Create an A/B Test Behind the Login Walls of a Website

Introducing Browse Mode: Create an A/B Test Behind the Login Walls of a Website

Here at VWO, we get bored and frustrated if we think it has been too…

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Paras Chopra

Paras Chopra

2 Min Read
From the bleeding edge: 10 must-read scientific research papers on conversion rate optimization

From the bleeding edge: 10 must-read scientific research papers on conversion rate optimization

Scientific research papers on how to increase sales or conversions are rare.  Most of the…

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Paras Chopra

Paras Chopra

2 Min Read
What You Really Need To Know About The Mathematics Of A/B Split Testing

What You Really Need To Know About The Mathematics Of A/B Split Testing

Recently, I published an A/B split testing case study where an eCommerce store reduced the…

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Paras Chopra

Paras Chopra

5 Min Read
Organic and PPC Attractiveness: Two New metrics for a scientific SEO strategy

Organic and PPC Attractiveness: Two New metrics for a scientific SEO strategy

Like everyone else, you want to rank high on Google and you want to extract…

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Paras Chopra

Paras Chopra

5 Min Read
How to benchmark competition conversion rates using Alexa in two super simple steps

How to benchmark competition conversion rates using Alexa in two super simple steps

Let’s face the truth; Alexa is not the best source of traffic data out there…

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Paras Chopra

Paras Chopra

3 Min Read
10+ Free Resources for Creating High Converting Call-to-Action Buttons

10+ Free Resources for Creating High Converting Call-to-Action Buttons

*Note: This post has been recently updated.Please find the links to the resources listed, in…

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Paras Chopra

Paras Chopra

1 Min Read
List of Industry Standard Conversion Rates and Bounce Rates

List of Industry Standard Conversion Rates and Bounce Rates

Lot of people inquire about what an ideal bounce rate or conversion rate is and…

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Paras Chopra

Paras Chopra

1 Min Read



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