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How To Align Your Online And Offline Marketing Strategies

Duration - 50 minutes
Nilesh Patel

Nilesh Patel

Founder and CEO, LeadSquared

Rahul Jain

Rahul Jain

Ex - Product Management, VWO

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A visitor to your website comes with an expectation. If that expectation is met they’ll fill up a form. But a second thought at this moment might drive them away from the macro conversion of doing any monetary transaction on your website.

In this webinar co-presented with Nilesh Patel, CEO of LeadSquared, we discuss how you can make your online and offline efforts work in tandem by not only optimizing their experience so they fill up the form but also assisting them to macro conversion post form fill.

Takeaways from this webinar:

  • Track visitor behavior to remove any friction that stands in the way of conversions.
  • How to build an online experience so that you can capture the right leads.
  • How to identify the leads you probably are wasting your time on.
  • What an aligned online and offline strategy looks like.

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